95号别墅的是一栋三层楼的房子,被设计成三个连续的建筑体块,在不同的房间之间,有一条人行道,从那里可以看到房子面前扩展的景观。 The expressive nature of this three-story house is designed in a continuous movement that suggests, between its different rooms, a wa...查看详情
该项目是哥斯达黎加第一个“夯土”项目。我们完全使用挖掘的粘土来建造所有周边承重墙。 This project is the very first “rammed earth” implementation in Costa Rica.We completely used clay soil from the excavations for the construction of all pe...查看详情
2021年我们着手参与了西湖高尔夫球场景观的设计,巡场时常常能看球场四周散落着的许多自然别墅,感叹于环境优渥的同时我们也接到了球场深处的一栋别墅主人的委托,于是便就成就了这样一个独树一帜的现代美式空间形态。 In 2021, we started to participate in the landscape design of West Lake Golf Course.Wecan o...查看详情