Casa Santos探索了混凝土的可能性,在与沙漠的美学和谐中创造社区和可持续性。 Casa Santos is an exploration of the possibilities of concrete to create community and sustainability in aesthetic harmony with the desert. 该项目由三栋房屋...查看详情
该项目是哥斯达黎加第一个“夯土”项目。我们完全使用挖掘的粘土来建造所有周边承重墙。 This project is the very first “rammed earth” implementation in Costa Rica.We completely used clay soil from the excavations for the construction of all pe...查看详情
位于塞浦路斯帕福斯的Antasia海滩俱乐部是一个海滩亭、餐厅和咖啡馆的结合,整体设计融入了城市海滨长廊的地形。 Antasia Beach Clubin Paphos, Cyprus is a beach pavilion, restaurant and café, incorporated in a topographical intervention of the coastal p...查看详情
“新技术正在不断打破传统建筑的边界,推动建筑生产的变革,最终也将形成新的空间共识——未来的建筑不一定是‘凝固’的音乐,也可以是活动的场景。” ——朱培栋 "New technologies are constantly breaking the boundaries of traditional architecture, driving a revolution in const...查看详情