“人法地、地法天、天法道、道法自然”—— 《道德经》 “Man patterns himself on the operation of the earth; the earth patterns itself on the operation of heaven; heaven patterns itself on the operation of Dao; Dao patterns its...查看详情
Kandinsky公寓位于叶卡捷琳堡市中心,是一栋住宅与商业功能一体的公寓楼。公寓坐落在历史悠久的地区,毗邻经过翻新的伊塞特河滨。除了其标志性建筑外,该项目还设有迷人的园景庭院和绿植屋顶。 Located in the centre of Yekaterinburg, Kandinsky is an apartment building sharing residential and busi...查看详情
公寓楼的面积相当小,建筑本身被莫斯科市中心的历史建筑所包围,场地的大部分被消防通道占据。我们的主要目标是创建一个极简的庭院设计,增加空间的私密感,并与建筑形式相呼应。 The territory of the apartment house is rather small, the building itself is bounded by historical buildings of Mos...查看详情